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Apps with subscription-based models are growing in numbers and size. And it’s no wonder; subscriptions present a reliable monetisation solution for mobile businesses across all verticals. Among the most frequently-downloaded types of subscription apps, we find streaming apps (30.7%), Gaming (9%), and News apps (4%).

For apps, offering subscriptions alone is not enough to guarantee the success of this mobile monetisation model. Subscription apps face particular challenges when scaling and one of the top concerns is user churn. Retention rates for subscription apps average below 50%, emphasising the need to keep users engaged and in-app.

To effectively increase their user base and revenue, subscription apps need to be supported by a sound full-funnel programmatic strategy.

In our recent guest post on the Adjust blog, we analyse how programmatic user acquisition and re-engagement can support growth for all types of subscription apps.

In the article, we deep dive into what makes a successful programmatic strategy. From acquiring and retaining the most valuable users, tailoring a targeting approach for different audience segments, crafting specific campaign messages depending on each app’s nature and its particular activation flow, we offer you a clear perspective on planning your first programmatic campaign.

Implementing a winning user acquisition and re-engagement campaign requires understanding how users interact with the app over time by tracking key events: churning moments, conversion actions.

At RevX, deep learning algorithms allow app businesses to reach thigh-value users with relevant messaging and at the right time and frequency.

This is the starting point to build a strategy catered to long-term and incremental results for your subscription app.

Read the entire article over at Adjust.


Hansika Sana

Marketing Manager, Content

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