We’re proud to announce that RevX has been recognized in numerous categories across iOS and Android in the latest AppsFlyer Performance Index.

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We’ve ranked in 38 categories in the AppsFlyer Performance Index 17

What’s unique about working in the dynamic and rapidly evolving China market?
How do you approach relationship-building with Chinese clients?

In China, responding to cold emails from businesses is not common practice. The available outreach channels are limited, and establishing new relationships heavily relies on word-of-mouth referrals. To cultivate high-quality relationships with clients in China, I seize every opportunity to be introduced to my counterparts in any form. Before the initial communication, I analyze the customer’s product form and identify their business strengths. Moreover, I pinpoint the core pain points that remain unaddressed elsewhere. I firmly believe that the success of any meaningful relationship lies in sincerity. Our primary focus is to make our clients’ lives easier rather than simply selling our services. This approach is highly valued by customers.

While you have deep expertise in the China market, you have also worked with clients from around the world. How do you drive success for such a versatile cliente base? Tell us your secret! 

Despite the many cultural differences, people are fundamentally the same. If you can be someone who solves their challenges with earnestness, they will admire you and trust you. This process begins with a deep understanding of the clients you are dealing with, their underlying logic, and what matters most to them.

In addition, this is what has helped me drive success for global clients:

Thorough competitive analysis: Understand the kind of partners/channels they have been working with.
Be authentic: It’s important to position your brand in a unique light. Only that can help you survive and thrive.
Deliver an impressive impression: Be approachable and memorable.
Be a pioneering partner: Grab every opportunity to test new strategies. Staying at the forefront of innovation, deliver exceptional and unseen results and establish yourself as a valuable and trusted partner.

Ultimately, the key to success lies in learning how to build strong relationships. This fundamental principle, combined with a strategic and client-centric approach, paves the path for long-term success in any market or cultural context.

What’s it like to lead a team? How do you inspire your team members to achieve their best?

Recruiting not only excellent but also suitable team members has always been important. My management style mainly involves transparency, fairness, encouraging every employee to try new things, and helping each employee achieve their personal career goals to ensure that every member of my team can devote themselves to their work without any distractions.

What’s an upcoming project that you are excited about?   

Besides my current work in the China region, I am on the verge of exploring a completely new region. I am genuinely thrilled about the idea of delving into different cultures and market conditions as I anticipate encountering both challenges and rewarding new experiences.

The world of mobile advertising is fast-paced. What are some priority areas that app marketers should focus on to stay relevant?

In China, mobile advertisers tend to lean more towards traditional marketing approaches. But that’s changing with the emergence of privacy policies and regulations. It becomes crucial to think outside the box while staying true to your core values. Specifically in the gaming industry, only a small percentage of players are payers.
And we see advertisers often focusing only on nurturing paying users. However, it is important to nurture all user segments and recognize their value. Allocating different budgets for different segments can be a strategic approach to cater to the diverse user base. Ultimately, it is essential for marketers to be nimble and adopt a mindset of continuous learning, observation, and critical thinking.

Beyond AdTech, what are some of your other passions or interests? How do you make time for it?

Of course, our life is not just about work.I really enjoy exercising and maintaining good physical fitness. Fitness doesn’t necessarily require going to the gym.

Running five days a week in the morning can not only quickly awaken my body, but also allow me to listen to beautiful music in a relatively quiet environment. I also enjoy sharing food and traveling with my family. On sunny weekends or holidays, going out with my family can bring the ultimate joy. Of course, my favorite relaxation content is reading. Reading before bedtime every night can completely relax the brain after working all day.

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Lauren Heineck

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